How to improving your focus when you distracted

Ibnu Riski
2 min readOct 22, 2020
Photo by Chase Clark on Unsplash

Hello everyone!
come back with me again, in this part i will tell something for you about my experience for improving my focus, and this a good news because i think this is very simply and easy, okay let’s go!

1. Meditation

First is meditation, i think when you take your time perhaps 5–10 minutes per day can make you keep focus with what are you doing. Yap, there are so many distraction everywhere, for example when in the night i’m planning from 8.00 PM to 11.00 PM for do my thesis, but suddenly my friend coming at my home and bring me for join discussion about program in their school and you know is make me distracted and because that make me procrastinate my plan before. After that when my friend go out from my home at 1.00 AM, because i feel lazy for doing my thesis again. So, because that i just spend my time for going meditation in 15 minute and after that is really make me so stong in mind and more focus for doing whatever i want and need for example like writing this article.

2.Reading Book

I understand not everyone like for reading book although reading math or physics book, but in my experience i’m usually feel focus when reading book because i have the flow condition. If you right now doesn’t like reading book or article and feel hard for doing that, i think you can read something topics that you like about that.

3.Watch A Film

There are a lot genre about film that you can watch, and i think when you forget your life for temporary and focus 1–3 hour for watching film this can improve your focus.

4.Write a blog or article

Number four maybe you can consider to write your story in medium or your personal blog for let go your negative emotion and improve your writing skill. And the good news for you that have writing hobby you can also improve your critical thinking and make you more smarter than other who rarely writing in critical thinking aspect.

5.Don’t Multitask

Research at some university say that people have multitasking habit in the long-term can reduce brain performance and reduce human focus and concentration in the short-term. So, if you really do have have to multitask your can break-down your task in some time separately.

Okay maybe only that can i share for you about “how to improve your focus when you distracted. See you next article.

PS: this is my first article that i’m write i hope you can enjoy with my bad grammar wkwk because i still learn for improving my writing skill in english.

